Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Top Ten Things to do when Your Oven Doesn't Work

I suppose you have already guessed that the oven is temporally out of order. So needless to say, I have not been doing any baking. I have however being doing a few other things to keep me entertained while I wait for The Outlaw Repairman to fix said oven, and I have compiled a top ten list of my favorites.

10. Read the oven manufactures owners manual (I wouldn't really call this entertainment, and I wouldn't say that I actually "read" the owners manual)

9. Try to fix the darn thing myself

8. Visit the emergency room (maybe I should have "read" the owners manual)

7. Oven? Who needs an oven? I'll just try cooking in the fireplace

6. Testing the fire extinguisher

5. Chatting with the local fire rescue team

4. Redecorating the living room

3. Try making brownies in a dutch oven on the counter top range

2. Chiseling burnt brownie out of the bottom of my dutch oven

1. Finally giving up and going to Krispy Kreme

Thursday, September 11, 2008

To the Bicyclist that tried to kill me

This week I thought that I would take a break from my usual subject matter in order to address an issue that has been on my mind for some time.

There is an alarming amount of bicyclists in the Seattle area, this is fact that I am sure no one disputes. These said bicyclists as a group, I am sure, are probably fine upstanding members of their respective communities, that is until they climb on a bicycle. It's as if the bicycle it's self causes some sort of Jekyll and Hyde phenomenon. Enter bicycle exit brain. I never had an issue with bicyclists until I moved to Seattle. Then again, I never thought that I'd be sharing a four lane highway with a bicyclist. Here is the deal: IF YOU WANT TO PLAY IN THE ROAD, THEN PLAY BY THE RULES. That means signaling before turns, stopping at stop signs, and yielding to on coming traffic. I am generally a fairly compassionate person, but I find it very hard to feel sorry for a bicyclist that gets hit by a car, because most of you are asking for it. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I want anyone get hurt. Just keep in mind that when you ride like an ass you may be putting someone else's life in danger as well.